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B negative blood diet - b antagonistic blood fare

20-12-2016 à 04:43:01
B negative blood diet
Humans with blood type Rh Negative belong to an Extraterrestrial lineage according to new theory. If so no wonder I know and and connect so much with this off science stuff. Tags: Ancient Sumeria Anunnaki Rh Negative Rh Positive. Hence, these substances which trigger antibody creation are called antigens. com, he also writes for EWAO, Share Knowledge, Svemir Online and Ancient Origins. Place Value, not Zero is most important invention of ancient Indian Mathematicians. WHile post flood person Nimrod would fit this bill, even though he may have been many times shorter than preflood Giants. Whatever you learned in Jr High needs to be rethought. However, our immune system is trained to ignore these self antigens (the antigens which are generated inside our body). Ivan is a freelance writer, editor-in-chief of ancient-code. he would of certainly been 10ft tall at least or taller. The amount of stupid in this article is mind-boggling. But to say God came in unto women is an incorrect statement. Even universities are teaching science from dated textbooks. It just makes you look so foolish and shows the ignorance and narcissism in humanity in general. ABO is a classification of human blood group based on the presence or absence of A or B antigens. Similarly if A or AB or B blood is given to a person whose blood group is O, then it will attack both A and B antigens. Oldest Living (Continuously Inhabited) City of the World. The second most important classification of human blood group is based on Rh antigens. The vast majority of humans beings on this planet have these proteins which means they are Rh positive. The Mother of All Martial Arts: Kalari or Kalarippayattu.

The Rh negative would be the legacy that the Anunnaki left on Earth among other things. I always wondered what beings build the pyramids in Egypt as well as the Aztecs. So how is this crucial difference explained scientifically. About 30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry one (r) negative gene. Consistently buries his head in the sand and turns the other cheek. Now, scientists believe they have found out a fascinating thing in regards of Rh Positive and negative. The human immune system will attack any foreign substance entering the body by generating antibodies which will attack and destroy them. So, if your blood has the Rh D antigen, then your blood group is Rh positive, else it is Rh negative. The human blood group classification is based on these antigens on our Red Blood Cells (RBC), and there are around 32 Human Blood Group classifications based on the various antigen groups. While the ABO classification is based on the two antigens A and B, the Rh group has 50 antigens. However, the main Rh classification is based on one single antigen of special importance, called the D antigen. The Basque people of Spain and France have the highest percentage of Rh negative blood. Throughout the years, several scientific studies have searched for this answer. The reason for the importance of this antigen is that a mismatch in the D antigen can prove fatal during blood transfusion, just like it does in AB antigen mismatch. WikiLeaks: Global extinction in 20 years as magnetic north heads towards the equator. That is the problem, not ONE scientist can agree on the origin of RH negative. What if there still is, a mysterious bond that connects them. New Theory Suggests that Humans with blood type Rh Negative Belong to an Extraterrestrial lineage. Now there are various useful sugars and proteins on the surface of our red blood cells, which our immune system might otherwise mistake to be foreign bodies and generate antibodies to kill them. HitXP - A Blogzine by Gurudev Human Intelligence To-solve Xtreme Problems. So if your blood has only A antigens, then your blood group is A, if it has only B antigens, then your blood group is B, if it has both of these, then your blood group is AB, and if it has neither, then your blood group is O.

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