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Do you drink diet coke pepsi - do you helping fare fuel pepsi

20-12-2016 à 04:38:57
Do you drink diet coke pepsi
My prayers revealed to me dc and ddp are the cause. I had previously quit several times but only gotten as far as a week or so as I am a non drinker so when out in social situations I always got caught out with ordering a Diet coke or other Diet carbonated drink at the bar. This time I am quitting for good as I know that I wnt be young for much longer and dont want to regret that I have not lived a healthy happy life. Initially I started to have 2 cups of coffee a day but with plenty of water and moderate exercise. That is the reason I believe all the negative things out there about Aspartame and artificial sweeteners, Caffeine, processed sugars and stimulants, to me they are all true. One knee replaced already, and now both hips needs replacing. Sure, you can probably explain away most all of these to other things, but how my story ends is proof to me that my Diet Coke side effects were caused by my large consumption over a long period of time. The consumer is not aware of some of the adverse side effects of,this artificial sweetener until they begin to experience some of the side effects and begin to do some research. The examples and perspective in this article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject. Diet drinks are linked to many health situations including diabetes, obesity, blood pressure problems and a whole host of other concerns reported by folks around the globe. And sure enough I got better, binge drank again and the back pains came back like a vengeance. Does everyone experience these problems, certainly not, but if folks play out their lives similar to mine, the long term affects of consuming so much of these harmful products might just end them up one day like I was, wondering why I felt so terrible at age 40. I have been drinking diet coke for the last 7years and before that i drank normal coke for 8 years. diet coke does ruin your health and even ruins your life if you consume it in large quantities. It was shedding and thinning all over my head and when I discovered that Aspartame could be the culprit, I immediately stopped consuming anything that had Aspartame in it. After having kidney stone attacks, severe, he decided to give it up cold turkey. If I had only known the side effects of Aspartame. I am now 4 months free of the stuff and I have noticed some remarkable changes. I am only realising now the extreme effects it has had on my health. I suffer from extreme fatigue, Doctors think it is from my lack of vitamin D. It was discontinued in 1969 due to the U. Tab, Diet Rite, and Fresca (a grapefruit-flavored drink introduced by Coca-Cola) were the only brand-name diet refreshments on the market until Pepsi released Patio Diet Cola in 1963 and renamed Diet Pepsi the following year. No more Fatigue and my complexion and once thinning hair have dramatically improved. Hopefully you have read in my story the Diet Coke side effects that I experienced during my nearly 10 year addiction. I hope for all of you who have given this up a brilliant dc free future. Ii have been and on and off Diet coke and Pepsi Max addict now for 15 years or so. I have had several kidney stones which are immensely painful and I look tired, withdrawn and depressed, i also feel tired, and at times low. If you are drinking any soda at all, please stop and consider your health long term. ugh. Coca-Cola countered by releasing Diet Coke in 1982. Do any of u think it might be the caffeine in the coke. government ban of cyclamate sweetener. If you are like I was and found it hard to quit on my own, find a healthier replacement for your addiction, and maybe, just maybe you will experience what I did, a life changing event. I believe that Aspartame is one of the ingredients that can cause the side effects that I list above, plus many others. Quit chocolate for months then ate it alot for one weak. (December 2010) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message ). Im only 23 now but i am already having bad headaches, knee pains, trouble sleeping ay night. If you read my story, you will remember that I struggled with this addiction for nearly 10 years. I can only imagine what its doing to my bone marrow and spine.

You may improve this article, discuss the issue on the talk page, or create a new article, as appropriate. I have only been drinking dc for a few months but before i went on to dc i have drank regular coke just about everyday since i was 15. I really had no idea how harmful it was to our health x. Aspartame is used in many food products, including gum, and yes, it is approved by the FDA, but I think as you investigate for yourself you will find enough evidence to agree that there is something to all the claims of health problems associated with it. Let me list just a few of the symptoms that I experienced. Prompted by the rising popularity of soft drinks, in the mid-1980s some of those in the alcohol industry began to follow their lead with some beer companies putting sugar-free beer on the market. I am not here to sway you one way or another, what I am here to share is MY own experience and what my Diet Coke side effects were. I quit drinking alcohol in 2004, replaced it with diet coke. In 1962, Dr Pepper released a diet(etic) version of its soft drink, although it sold slowly due to the misconception that it was meant solely for diabetic consumption. Do I believe that the ingredients in diet sodas are harmful over time, you bet I do, I experienced it. i have always been slim but my stomach bulges as there is so much gas in the drinks. But I no longer feel the burden of muscular pain, fatigue and all of the above symptoms associated with aspartame laced diet sodas and fizzy drinks. There are also two sides to this story because you will find those who share their addiction and what they have experienced and then you will find those that are opposed to the notion that the ingredients in Diet and other drinks are perfectly fine for you and they have had no problem. I use to eat a lot of chocolates, my chest would break out with broken capillaries. My spouse was addicted and drank 6-8 cans a day of DC for probably 20 years. Suffering from neck stiffness, had a massage once my masseuse asked me your neck is so stiff how much diet coke are you drinking. Do a quick search on Google for Diet Coke Side effects and you will see all the different places you can go to view information. In 5 days my addiction was gone and during that time and up until today, I have not had one withdrawal symptom. I would tell doctors I think it is chocolate no one believed me. pure canned and bottled poison. Diet (alternatively marketed as sugar-free, zero-calorie or low-calorie ) drinks are sugar -free, artificially sweetened versions of fizzy beverages with virtually no calories. If you read my last page on how I accidentally broke my addiction to Diet Coke, you hopefully have realized that there are healthy alternatives out there. By the early 1990s, a wide array of companies had their own diet refreshments on supermarket shelves. Anyway I binge drank it and started getting severe back pain. In 1963, The Coca-Cola Company joined the diet soft drink market with Tab, which proved to be a huge success. Diet 7 Up was released in 1963 under the name Like. All this is due to diet coke and even though its not proven it is, I have quit several times before and felt a change each time. They are generally marketed toward health-conscious people, diabetics, athletes, and other people who want to lose weight, improve physical fitness, or reduce their sugar intake. Its the caffeine I like when im tired but the soda I crave. He said for days his head felt like it was splitting down the middle. Royal Crown Cola placed an announcement in an Atlanta newspaper in 1958 announcing a diet product, Diet Rite. One of the reasons why I drink it, is because I wanna be like my mom. Tab was originally sweetened with cyclamates and saccharin. but its a shame that it took me this long to realise how much it affects every part of my mind and body. S. After reading everyones comments on this website, i am giving up the dc and rc for good. What my wife would call memory loss (of course I think this is a normal guy thing). Thank you for making me see that dc is bad. Other knee is also bone on bone and needs full replacement. I find it hard to focus and I always have awkward sleeping patterns.

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